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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Mission Bicycle Company, California. Wow!

Found this site advertising their fixed gear bikes and only wish we had a store like this in Sydney!  With our dollar so strong at the moment, I wonder whether it would be worthwhile becomming a sales partner in Australia.. Hmmmm.

Check out their site at the link below and have a look at their gallery.  Real impressive fixed gear bikes!

Bikes & Idiots...Tragedy in Italy

Eight cyclists died and four were injured when they were struck head-on by a speeding car in the south of Italy.  Read about it on the link below:

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sydney Metropolitan Cycleway Maps

Check out this link for .pdf format cycling maps you which you can view or print directly from the Roads and Traffic Authority, NSW website available at the following URL:

Get out and have fun cycling safely on your fixed gear bike!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Love them or hate them, you’ve got to wear one or you cop a fine.  Some say the hassle of wearing a helmet discourages people from cycling.  But surely wearing a helmet will offer some protection.  If I do fall off my fixed gear bike and get slammed onto the pavement, I’d rather have something on my head to absorb the impact rather than my skull.

Others are convinced that it’s a generational thing, with youngsters today completely used to wearing a ‘lid’ when cycling, having grown up with the habit of wearing a helmet at a young age.

New helmet safety standards, check out the latest story:
Check out this site, Mandatory bike helmet laws: random facts  
Also check out the NSW Government RTA site for information on legislation and safety

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Commuting Tips

Check out this site for some great cycling tips to keep you safe: Cycleaware

Railcorp adds a bike track (I wish!)

Let’s face it, you’re not going to risk you life cycling from Parramatta to the Sydney CBD along Parramatta Road to get to work. But imagine if the Government was clever enough to lay a bike track along the existing rail line  - it would be safe and you wouldn’t cop the abuse you do from frustrated motorists.  And it’s flat, meaning its ideal for most cyclists, especially a fixed gear cyclist!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How can I prevent my bike getting stolen?

After looking at the different methods that thieves use to steal bikes, my bet is on having multiple locking devices, or at least having stronger security than the bike you just parked next to!

 Also, I vary where I park my bike.  I don't really want anyone knowing my parking routine.